Wednesday 11 December 2013

Butternut squash and tomato risotto

A cup of risotto rice
A cup of beef stock leavened with two of vegetable
A sprig of thyme
A pinch of saffron
A couple of handfuls of squash, diced quite finely
Six to eight baby tomatoes
A small red onion
A clove of garlic minced
1 tsp houmous
1 tbsp creme fraƮche
Juice of ¼ lemon
A dash of balsamic vinegar
A small glass of white wine
A good handful of chopped parsley
Salt and pepper
Olive oil and butter

Preheat the oven to 200.

Finely slice half the red onion, then mince and reserve the rest. Put the sliced onion, diced squash and whole tomatoes in a dish, season with a little salt and pepper and toss in olive oil to coat. Transfer to a roasting tin, sprinkle lightly with balsamic vinegar and roast for 15-20 minutes, till beginning to char.

Warm the stock in a saucepan, infusing it with the thyme and saffron.

Heat a thin slice of butter and a glug of olive oil in a heavy-bottomed pan. Sweat the minced onion and garlic for a minute or two, then add the rice and stir to coat. 

Turn up the heat, add the wine and bubble vigorously for thirty seconds. Add a ladle of stock and proceed to cook as a normal risotto.

When nearly cooked, stir in the houmous and creme fraĆ®che, then the roasted vegetables and most of the parsley. When the vegetables are heated, stir in the lemon juice, check the seasoning and serve.

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